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Amy Sherman

Director, Center on Faith in Communities, Sagamore Institute
BA (Messiah College), MA, PhD (University of Virginia)
Dr. Amy L. Sherman directs the Sagamore Institute’s Center on Faith in Communities. In 2012, Christianity Today named her one of the fifty most influential evangelical women in America. She served for several years as Director of Urban Ministries at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, VA, and has written six books.

Courses Taught

  • APPL 512 - The Gospel, Discipleship & Cultural Engagement
  • APPL 522 - Human Being & Human Acting After Technology
  • APPL 532 - Reading the Times: Christian Responses to the News of the Day
  • APPL 534 - Spiritual & Emotional Formation for Christian Leadership
  • APPL 546 - Pastoral Care
  • APPL 548 - Being Human in God's World: How the Old Testament Helps Us Understand Our Humanity in a Complex & Broken World
  • APPL 561 - Learning to Think Ethically with the Christian Tradition
  • APPL 571 - Learning in the Downtown Eastside: Mutuality and Presence
  • APPL 581 - Missional Church
  • APPL 582 - The Uses of Scripture in Theology: Examining Slavery, Sexuality, and Male-Female Relations in Light of Divine Love
  • APPL 583 - Becoming a Missional Immigrant Congregation
  • APPL 629 - Calling, Context, and the Church: From Belonging to Witness
  • APPL 693 - Supervised Ministry A: Contemplative Ministry
  • APPL 694 - Supervised Ministry B: Leadership
  • APPL 721 - Seminar: Listening by Design: Qualitative Research for Scholarship and Ministry
  • APPL 790 - MA Comprehensive Examination: Applied Theology
  • APPL 792 - Integrative Project
  • APPL 793 - ThM Major Paper: Applied Theology
  • APPL 797 - MA Thesis: Applied Theology
  • APPL 798 - ThM Thesis: Applied Theology
  • ARTS 535 - Christian Poetics
  • ARTS 541 - Reading as a Spiritual Practice
  • ARTS 550 - Visual Art as Theology
  • ARTS 564 - The Holy Spirit and the Arts
  • ARTS 701 - Seminar: Vocation of the Artist
  • BIBL 501 - Old Testament Foundations
  • BIBL 502 - New Testament Foundations
  • BIBL 503 - Biblical Exegesis and Interpretation
  • BIBL 517 - Listening to the Land of the Bible
  • BIBL 518 - God & the Kings: Power, Praise & Pragmatics in 1–2 Kings
  • BIBL 533 - The Book of Acts: To the End of the Earth
  • BIBL 541 - 1 Peter
  • BIBL 542 - Women in the New Testament & Early Church
  • BIBL 547 - Follow the Lamb: Revelation & the World of Acts
  • BIBL 548 - Being Human in God's World: How the Old Testament Helps Us Understand Our Humanity in a Complex and Broken World
  • BIBL 549 - A Skeptic in Scripture: Ecclesiastes & Its Friends
  • BIBL 552 - The Spirituality of Paul
  • BIBL 555 - Reading the Gospel of John through Palestinian Christian Eyes
  • BIBL 557 - The Letter to the Romans
  • BIBL 566 - Becoming Faithful Readers of the Old Testament
  • BIBL 573 - Christology & Discipleship in Mark's Gospel
  • BIBL 600 - Biblical Hermeneutics and Criticism
  • BIBL 610 - Book of Genesis
  • BIBL 659 - New Testament Book Study: 2 Corinthians
  • BIBL 718 - OT Seminar: Divine Presence in the Old Testament
  • BIBL 750 - NT Seminar: Book of Hebrews
  • BIBL 790 - MA Comprehensive Examination: Old Testament
  • BIBL 791 - MA Comprehensive Examination: New Testament
  • BIBL 793 - ThM Major Paper: Old Testament
  • BIBL 794 - ThM Major Paper: New Testament
  • BIBL 796 - MA Thesis: Old Testament
  • BIBL 797 - MA Thesis: New Testament
  • BIBL 798 - ThM Thesis: Old Testament
  • BIBL 799 - ThM Thesis: New Testament
  • GENR 303 - MA Thesis Continuation
  • GENR 304 - ThM Thesis Continuation
  • GENR 305 - Extended MA Continuation
  • GENR 311 - Academic Writing
  • GENR 313 - Intergative Project in the Arts and Theology Orientation
  • HIST 501 - History of Christianity I
  • HIST 502 - History of Christianity II
  • HIST 505 - The History of Christianity in Asia
  • HIST 522 - The Bible, Slavery & the American Civil War
  • HIST 531 - The Cost of Forgetting Church History for Women
  • HIST 564 - Christianity and World Cultures: A History of Contextualization
  • HIST 650 - Anglican History & Theology
  • HIST 790 - MA Comprehensive Examination: History
  • HIST 793 - ThM Major Paper: Church History
  • HIST 797 - MA Thesis: Church History
  • HIST 798 - ThM Thesis: Church History
  • INDS 517 - Science and Theology
  • INDS 522 - Human Being & Human Acting After Technology
  • INDS 523 - 과학과 신학의 대화: 과학 시대의 창조 신앙 (Dialogue Between Faith & Science in the Age of Science)
  • INDS 525 - Technology, Wilderness, and Creation
  • INDS 532 - Reading the Times: Christian Responses to the News of the Day
  • INDS 535 - Food: Creation, Community, and Communion
  • INDS 611 - Cultural Hermeneutics: Engaging with World with the Word
  • INDS 629 - Calling, Context, and the Church
  • INDS 724 - Seminar: Theological Anthropology
  • INDS 726 - ThM Seminar: Readings in Modern Protestant Thought
  • INDS 790 - MA Comprehensive Examination: Interdisciplinary Studies
  • INDS 791 - Integrative Exam
  • INDS 792 - Integrative Project
  • INDS 793 - ThM Major Paper: Interdisciplinary Studies
  • INDS 794 - MACS Integrative Exam
  • INDS 795 - MA Integrative Project in the Arts and Theology
  • INDS 797 - MA Thesis: Interdisciplinary Studies
  • INDS 798 - ThM Thesis: Interdisciplinary Studies
  • LANG 500 - Perspectives on Biblical Languages
  • LANG 510 - Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew I
  • LANG 511 - Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew II
  • LANG 550 - Introduction to New Testament Greek I
  • LANG 551 - Introduction to New Testament Greek II
  • LANG 610 - Intermediate Old Testament Hebrew I
  • LANG 650 - Intermediate New Testament Greek I
  • LANG 720 - Advanced Greek Readings
  • LANG 790 - MA Comprehensive Examination: Biblical Languages
  • LANG 793 - ThM Major Paper: Biblical Languages
  • LANG 797 - MA Thesis: Biblical Languages
  • LANG 798 - ThM Thesis: Biblical Languages
  • MARK 511 - Monday to Saturday
  • MARK 535 - Shaping Your Future Leadership
  • MARK 692 - Marketplace Field Work
  • MARK 701 - Seminar: Working Sustainably
  • MARK 790 - Comp Exam:Marketplace Theo
  • SPIR 526 - Soul Recreation: Delighting In & Enjoying God
  • SPIR 534 - Spiritual & Emotional Formation for Christian Leadership
  • SPIR 541 - Reading as a Spiritual Practice
  • SPIR 552 - The Spirituality of Paul
  • SPIR 554 - Contemplative Listening
  • SPIR 564 - The Holy Spirit & the Arts
  • SPIR 619 - Spiritual Discernment: Decision-Making & the Voice of Jesus
  • SPIR 670 - Classics of Christian Spirituality
  • SPIR 720 - Seminar: Traditions and Practices of Prayer
  • SPIR 790 - MA Comprehensive Examination: Spiritual Theology
  • SPIR 793 - ThM Major Paper: Spiritual Theology
  • SPIR 797 - MA Thesis: Spiritual Theology
  • SPIR 798 - ThM Thesis: Spiritual Theology
  • THEO 500 - Theology Overview
  • THEO 517 - Science and Theology
  • THEO 528 - Race, Racism & Christian Identity
  • THEO 550 - Visual Art as Theology
  • THEO 554 - Augustine & the Problem of Pelagius
  • THEO 559 - Christology Ancient and Modern
  • THEO 561 - Learning to Think Ethically with the Christian Tradition
  • THEO 582 - The Uses of Scripture in Theology: Examining Slavery, Sexuality, and Male-Female Relations in Light of Divine Love
  • THEO 601 - Theology I
  • THEO 602 - Theology II
  • THEO 608 - History of Christian Doctrine
  • THEO 650 - Anglican History & Theology
  • THEO 724 - Seminar: Theological Anthropology
  • THEO 728 - Race, Racism & Christian Identity Seminar
  • THEO 771 - Seminar: Perspectives on Christology from the Global South
  • THEO 790 - MA Comprehensive Examination: Theology
  • THEO 793 - ThM Major Paper: Theology
  • THEO 797 - MA Thesis: Theology
  • THEO 798 - ThM Thesis: Theology
  • WRLD 505 - The History of Christianity in Asia
  • WRLD 528 - Race, Racism & Christian Identity
  • WRLD 555 - Reading the Gospel of John through Palestinian Christian Eyes
  • WRLD 564 - Christianity & World Cultures: A History of Contextualization
  • WRLD 583 - Becoming a Missional Immigrant Congregation
  • WRLD 590 - The Legacy of Ancient Christianity for China
  • WRLD 690 - World Christianity Field Immersion
  • WRLD 721 - Seminar: Listening by Design: Qualitative Research for Scholarship and Ministry
  • WRLD 728 - Race, Racism & Christian Identity Seminar
  • WRLD 771 - Seminar: Perspectives on Christology from the Global South
  • WRLD 790 - Comp Exam: World X'ianity
  • WRLD 797 - MA Thesis: World Christianity

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