CRUX, a journal of Christian thought and opinion, seeks to expound the basic tenets of the Christian faith and to demonstrate that Christian truth is relevant to the whole of life. Its particular concern is to relate the teachings of Scripture to a broad spectrum of academic, social and professional areas of interest, to integrate them and to apply the insights gained to corporate and personal Christian life and witness.
Founded in 1962 by the Toronto Graduate Christian Fellowship, CRUX has been published by Faculty and Alumni of Regent College, Vancouver, BC since 1979.
Published four times per year, CRUX has won WORD awards for long articles, poetry and biblical exposition, and Evangelical Press Awards in a wide number of categories. Recent articles have addressed such topics as brain research, grief, environmental ethics, sexuality, Zionism, Josephus, and the work of Marilynne Robinson.
- One Year: $26 CDN
- Two Years: $49 CDN
- Three Years: $72 CDN
- Single copy: $7 CDN
U.S. & international:
- One Year: $26 USD
- Two Years: $49 USD
- Three Years: $72 USD
- Single copy: $7 USD
Above prices do not include taxes. For Canadian subscribers taxes are the following: 13% for ON, NB, NL; 14% for PEI; 15% for NS; and 5% for all other provinces
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If you have any questions regarding current subscriptions, archived issues or submissions, please contact [email protected].
- Senior Editor: Julie Lane Gay
- Associate Editor: Bethany Murphy
- Book Review Editor: Bill Reimer
- Poetry Editor: Luci Shaw
- Subscription Officer : Katrina Steckle
- Business Manager: Maria Bitterli
- Editorial Board: The Regent College Faculty