Regent Hires Assistant Professor in Old Testament

The Regent community is excited to welcome Dr. Matthew Lynch as the newest member of the Regent College faculty.
Matthew, who will be teaching his first Regent classes in Fall 2020, has developed an international reputation as a premier up-and-coming Old Testament teacher and writer. Both at the scholarly and popular level his writings on violence and monotheism in the Old Testament have made him one of the most compelling new voices on some pressing Old Testament issues. He will be joining the Regent faculty on a five-year contract.
President Jeffrey Greenman commented, “We are delighted that Matt Lynch will be joining our faculty at Regent. He is an outstanding rising scholar of the Old Testament, a passionate and skilled teacher who is deeply committed to his students, and a godly Christian servant with a heart for the church and for mentoring. His appointment represents the continuation of the College's tradition of a faculty composed of excellent evangelical scholars whose vision is to equip the whole people of God to serve Christ, his church and his world.”
While at Regent, Matthew completed a Master of Arts in Theological Studies (2004) and Master of Theology (2008), followed by a PhD at Emory University. Matthew spent the final year of his doctoral studies in Göttingen, Germany, remaining there as a postdoctoral researcher for another year following the completion of his PhD. He was subsequently hired at the Westminster Theological Centre in the UK, serving for seven years there in roles including Dean of Studies, Academic Dean, and Lecturer in Old Testament. During this time, Matthew also lectured at Nashotah House and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.
His wide teaching experience has been accompanied by a string of strong publications, focusing on everything from Old Testament rhetoric to neglected dimensions of shame in the Hebrew Bible. In 2014, he released his first book, Monotheism and Institutions in the Book of Chronicles: Temple, Priesthood, and Kingship in Post-Exilic Perspective (Mohr Siebeck, 2014). Two more books are forthcoming—one on monotheism in Isaiah (Eisenbrauns), and another on Old Testament violence (Cambridge University Press).
It’s not only Matthew’s scholarly work that has impressed Regent’s current faculty. Iain Provan, Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies at Regent, has known Matthew for many years and commented on Matthew’s dedication to the application as well as the study of Scripture:
“He has a fine mind, a deep love of Scripture, and a pastoral heart. He is committed both to the church and to the world. I cannot imagine a better person to succeed Phil Long in this Old Testament position, and I am absolutely delighted that he is joining our faculty.”
Iain also couldn’t resist sneaking in a parting shot at his friend, colleague, and co-author Phil Long, who retired as Professor of Old Testament this year:
“Among other things, Phil only painted mountains (albeit beautifully), whereas Matt climbs them. This is surely an upgrade.”
Matthew’s commitment to speaking beyond the borders of academia is seen in his commitment to blogging and podcasting. With another scholar, Matthew co-founded the OnScript podcast, and has blogged extensively at Theological Miscellany. If you’re interested in getting to know Matthew and his work, the blog is a good place to start: he’s written everything from in-depth 4-part reviews of a recent book on Old Testament violence to biblical reflections on declining cheetah populations.
Matthew will be moving to Vancouver with his wife, Abi, and their two children.
We wish Matthew a smooth transition, and greatly look forward to having him at the College.