Celebrate with Us!

Celebrate with us! And join with us in praising God for his faithful and abundant provision.
Our 2019 Christmas appeal proved to be very fruitful, with over 300 households giving over $150,000. In the weeks leading up to our Christmas appeal, a very generous graduate put forward a $50,000 matching gift offer for first-time donations and for those increasing their support in 2019 over what they gave in 2018. We are very pleased to report that the goal was met and exceeded!
We are greatly encouraged by the new and increased commitments to Regent’s mission. For those keeping score, the goal was met by 42 new donors, 29 donors who increased their giving, and 21 donors who renewed their support for Regent after having not given in the past three years. The statistic that really encouraged us was that there was alumni representation from every single decade!
For a full year leading up to this summer's 50th Anniversary Reunion on June 27, 2020, we have been featuring a different graduate representing each year of the College’s history from 1971 to 2020 in our 50/50 Alumni Project. Each week, a new profile appears with an invitation from the graduate representative for their peers to join them as financial supporters of the College. As I read these marvelous stories from Regent’s first 50 years, I often wonder what stories will be told 50 years from now.
One thing I’m sure of: if Regent is around in 50 years, it will be because of God’s faithful provision through our generous supporters!