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Introducing the Female Biblical Studies scholarship

March 26, 2021
When we found out that women studying in the biblical studies field needed financial support, we decided to start this scholarship because our strong desire and belief is that women should continue to be built up in learning and ministry.

Hear from the donor who initiated the Female Biblical Studies Scholarship, which seeks to equip and encourage women in the field of biblical studies and is funded by a married couple who would like to remain anonymous.

First, what inspired you to donate to Regent and make the scholarship for women in biblical studies?
As a local Regent student, I have personally benefitted from the contributions of several Regent alumni in the larger community. Also, I find that Regent students are so well respected in general, both for their level of education and for their ability to integrate this learning into a variety of settings. When we found out that women studying in the biblical studies field needed financial support, we decided to start this scholarship because our strong desire and belief is that women should continue to be built up in learning and ministry. It can be difficult for women to obtain funding due to theological or practical issues, so we hope this scholarship removes a burden for some important members of the Regent community.

Do you have any specific hopes for how this scholarship will impact students, the church, or academia?
We hope to highlight the potential of women in the more leadership-oriented concentrations at Regent, which equip them to minister intelligently as well as empathetically in wider church and academic environments. We have both benefited greatly from the unique contributions of women in our churches and want to help this heritage continue.

Would you like to give a personal encouragement to the future recipients of the scholarship?
We would like to underscore our support for women who are gifted in service-based leadership and teaching. The church will grow and be built up from your hard work and strength. In our current cultural setting, the relevance and witness of the church will be so much greater as we empower the whole people of God to go where the Holy Spirit leads.

How can we pray for you?
I think prayers for me are similar to prayers for other women who want to serve in the church. We are looking for opportunities to share a full range of gifts with God’s family, and to feel the support of the community as we do so. 

About the Female Biblical Studies Scholarship

The Female Biblical Studies Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of proven financial need to applicants or students who are eligible for scholarship or bursary funding. This scholarship is designated for female students in the Master of Arts in Theological Studies program with a concentration in Biblical Studies or Biblical Languages, and qualifying students will be considered automatically when they apply for financial aid (i.e., no separate application is required). Each recipient will be eligible to receive up to $15,000 over the course of her program. For more information about Regent's financial aid and scholarship programs, click here.

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