Forming People of Hope: An Invitation to Give

In this year’s
Christmas letter, President Jeff Greenman reflects on Regent’s role as a community
of hope—and donors’ role in making this community possible. If you’d like to
support Regent’s ministry by making a year-end donation, please visit
Dear Friends,
This year, I’ve been thinking a great deal about hope. It’s something we’re all looking for, isn’t it? In a world of division and anxiety, hope can be hard to come by. But we need it more than ever.
I’d like to invite you to invest in a community of hope. Because that’s what Regent College is. Regent has been forming people of hope for over 50 years—and that work has never been more important than it is right now. Regent can’t continue its work without donor support. Would you consider making a gift this year-end?
Let me share a couple of ways I see Regent forming people of hope through its mission of theological education.
Regent cultivates hope in a divided world by insisting that unity and diversity can—and should—coexist. Because we know our unity in Christ is stronger than anything that divides us, we can live, learn, and worship together despite our many different cultural, vocational, and denominational backgrounds. We can bring our different stories, perspectives, and traditions together, acknowledging the tensions but striving to learn together through them. When we don’t agree, we practice disagreeing well—with patience, grace, and recognition of our shared humanity.
The mindsets and skills developed here have application far beyond the walls of Regent College. Your gift will equip students to serve as agents of hope, promoting understanding and shalom in their communities.
Regent cultivates hope in an anxious world by highlighting a core truth of the biblical story: God is working to restore his creation, and he invites us to join him in this work. In times of fear and stress, it’s more important than ever to learn, teach, and embody the truth that God’s loving purposes extend to all of creation. Praise God, we don’t have to solve the world’s problems by ourselves! But nor do we have to sit on the sidelines.
We are called to a hope that is active, not passive. Putting this calling at the centre of our life together is what makes Regent a community of hope. Your gift will equip students to serve as people of hope in the church, the academy, the marketplace, or wherever God calls them.
We live in a world of division and anxiety, but God is still at work—and he invites us, his people, to join him. I’m privileged to witness this truth every day in my role at Regent College. It is God who sustains Regent as a community of hope, and God who provides for our mission to continue. He does so through his people—through the generosity of people like you. Your participation in God’s provision for Regent College makes all the difference, especially as we prepare to enter another challenging and unpredictable year.
So, if you are able, and as the Spirit leads, I invite you to make a gift this Christmas season. And may the hope of Christ be with you, now and always.
Yours truly,
Jeff Greenman
Did you know that Regent relies on donors to fund about
30% of the College’s operating expenses every year? Every gift is truly needed,
and warmly welcomed.
Donations to Regent College are tax-deductible for Canadian taxpayers. Donations to Regent College Foundation (RCF USA) are tax-deductible for American taxpayers. For more information, take a look at our tips for year-end giving.