Introducing Regent's New Board Members

Regent College’s Board of Governors is welcoming five new members this fall. As previously announced, Jenna Fabiano and Vincent Kong were elected to their new positions in Regent’s first-ever board member election. They are joined as incoming Board members by Joyce Lee, David Montgomery, and Stephen Mulder.
President Jeff Greenman welcomed the new Board members and expressed his gratitude for their willingness to serve the Regent community in this capacity.
“Our new Board members bring a wealth of personal, vocational, and leadership experience to the College’s governing body. I’m grateful for their wide-ranging expertise as well as their commitment to the flourishing of our College community, and I look forward to their contributions to our life together. Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Jenna, Vincent, Joyce, David, and Stephen.
“As always, Regent strives to be a community that seeks God first. I know that our new and returning Board members would appreciate your continued prayer for God’s guiding presence and direction in their work on our behalf. Please do uphold them in prayer, and join me in giving thanks for the way God continues to provide for the College and its leadership.”
In addition to governing the College’s operations, the Board plays a vital role in long-term planning and discernment for the Regent community. Each member will serve a three-year term of service beginning this fall.
Meet the New Members

Jenna Fabiano (MDiv ’17) holds a pastoral position at Willoughby Christian Reformed Church in Langley. Jenna grew up in Abbotsford and has lived in the Fraser Valley for most of her life. She currently resides in Coquitlam, BC, with her husband, Danny, eleven-month-old son, Malakai, and a Golden Doodle named Kamba. She loves traveling, hiking, writing, reading, eating good food, and adventuring with her family.

Stephen Mulder (DipCS ’13, MATS ’14) is a co-founder at Missional Labs, a venture accelerator for ministries. Previously, he served as Executive Director at Bridgetown Church in Portland, OR, and Associate National Director at Alpha Canada. He also spent time working in sustainability consulting in Dubai. Stephen grew up in South Africa, and now lives in Vancouver with his wife, Amy, and their two daughters. He has been involved in two church plants in downtown Vancouver and currently attends Christ City Church. He is passionate about organizational leadership, the local church, social entrepreneurship, and innovation, and he loves to spend time adventuring in the mountains or ocean.

Vincent Kong (DipCS ’05, MATS ’07) works in the field of sustainability for property development projects and corporations. From his position in the marketplace, he resonates with Regent’s mission to build up the whole body of Christ so God’s people can discern and live out their Christian faith through their vocations wherever God calls them. Vincent lives in Hong Kong with his wife, Marsha, and their daughter, Hilary, and has been a member of North Point Alliance Church for over 25 years.

David “Monty” Montgomery (DipCS ’94, MDiv ’95) served as a pastor in Ireland in three Presbyterian parishes before becoming Director of Christian Unions Ireland (an affiliate movement of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students or IFES). In 2022, he became regional secretary for IFES in Europe, overseeing the student ministry in 43 countries. He has lectured in Old Testament and Preaching at the Irish Bible Institute, and is author of Sing a New Song: Choosing and Leading Praise in Today’s Church (Rutherford House 2000) and The Unfinished Story (Muddy Pearl 2023). He is married to Gwen (who worked at Regent’s front desk from 1994 to 1995) and enjoys soccer, cycling, and cryptic crosswords!

Joyce Yun Yun Lee was born and raised in Hong Kong and started her legal career in London, England. Currently a partner with McCarthy Tétrault LLP and the chair of McCarthy’s Asia Practice group, Joyce regularly acts as a strategic legal advisor to Asian companies investing in North America and as counsel to Canadian companies expanding into Asia. In addition to her work in the marketplace, Joyce is privileged to serve God and bear witness to his work in turning lives around in her community. Joyce lives in Vancouver with her husband, Sheung Kai Yung, and worships at the Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd.