A Statement on the Recent Violence in Israel and Palestine
At Regent College, we lament the violence, terrorism, and war that has recently engulfed Israel and Palestine. We mourn for those who died tragic and brutal deaths, and for all who now find themselves thrust into the horrors of war.
In the midst of our sorrow, we also dare to pray for a just and lasting peace—one achieved through the painstaking work of dialogue, accountability, and truth. We also pray for Christians and churches in the region: that they would find the compassion and courage to be agents of God’s reconciliation, even in the face of unimaginable suffering.
While this violence is occurring far away, it affects us all, and indeed, there are some members of the Regent College community for whom these events are much more intimate than they are for others. Our hearts, minds, and prayers are with you as we face this grief, anger, and loss together—with hope.
We hope that the whole people of God will join us in praying for peace, as well as in thinking through how our views, words, and actions can support a more just and loving future, in the name of Jesus Christ.
We remember our missional responsibility to respond to such events in our role as educators; to that end, allow us to share with you these reflections from Regent faculty. Consider this recent essay outlining a biblical stance (PDF download) on how to pray for the region by Summer Programs faculty member Yohanna Katanacho, a Palestinian Israeli theologian. For additional background on the origins of Christian Zionism, Regent Audio has a free talk from our beloved late faculty member Don Lewis.
If you feel prompted to act now, besides through prayer, please consider donating to the humanitarian aid agency of your choice.