Alumna Christina Lui to Serve as Alumni and Church Involvement Officer

Regent College is thrilled to announce that Christina Lui will be our first Alumni and Church Involvement Officer. She will begin on August 22nd.
Christina, a native of the greater Toronto area, is a graduate of Regent College (MCS ’06), where she focused her studies in Applied Theology. Since 2008 she has been the Associate Pastor at University Chapel on the UBC campus, leading a wide range of ministries—from children’s ministries to community outreach to pastoral care. Christina has also assisted with programs supporting Nepali migrant workers in India and managed a remote health research network for rural communities across BC.
She has great passion for Regent’s presence in the world, and for the Church—and an unusually thoughtful understanding of the challenges they encounter. She reflects, “Regent profoundly shaped not just my thinking but how I think. The holistic view of life was so compelling—and so distinctive. My hope is that I can recapture that experience for Alums across the globe and share it with churches in a widespread and supportive manner.”
Christina and her husband, Daniel Ray (MDiv ’10), have two young children and live in Vancouver.