Change in Leadership Responsibilities

The Chair of Regent's Board of Governors, Dr. Dennis Danielson, announced today that President Rod Wilson, whose third term in office ends in August, 2015, will devote the remainder of his term to College advancement. As such, he will spend much more of his time traveling and away from the College. Dr. Jeffrey Greenman, the College's Academic Dean, has been given additional responsibilities as Executive Vice President, taking over day to day management of the College from Dr. Wilson during this period. Dr. Danielson remarks that, "this reconfiguration of duties will serve two priorities at once: developing the College's financial resources philanthropically and bringing strong management to its operations. The Board enthusiastically supports both Rod and Jeff as they—with the community’s help—strive to perform their vital roles.”
Dr. Wilson indicates "At this season in Regent's history there is a need for careful and clear oversight of the internal operation along with the mobilization of our donor community to provide fresh financial support. Both these internal and external trajectories are all with a view to see Regent graduates impacting the world for good and for God. I have complete confidence that Jeff will give godly leadership to our internal community and I consider it to be a privilege to be connecting with donors who see Regent's mission as providing a significant return on their investment."