Updates to Canada's Study Permit Application Process

As you may have heard, Canada has recently made some changes to how it handles applications for study permits from international students. These changes primarily affect students interested in the Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies (GradDipCS) program, as another step has been added to their permit application process. Please see below for details.
Please note that some of the implications of the new study permit policies are still being worked out by the federal and provincial governments. Regent's Admissions team is following the situation closely, and will continue to provide updates as they become available. Please don’t hesitate to contact your Admissions Counsellor or email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. As always, we are here to help!
General Information
As of January 22, 2024, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is limiting the number of study permit applications it will consider. The limit will be in effect for two years, subject to reassessment at the end of the first year. In addition, as of January 22, 2024 many new post-secondary students applying for a study permit are required to submit a provincial attestation letter (PAL) from the province or territory where they intend to study.
At present, the only Regent College program requiring a PAL is the Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies. However, all incoming international students still need to apply for a permit to study in Canada. Please submit your application to IRCC as soon as you have prepared all required forms and supporting documents. Apply early to ensure that your application is processed in time for you to attend your preferred term!
Information for Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies Students
The province of British Columbia, where Regent is located, is currently working to establish a process for students to obtain a provincial attestation letter. Regent will provide updates and further directions as soon as we are able once this information becomes available.
Information for Students in Other Regent Programs
At this time, students planning to pursue a Master’s program (MACS, MATS, MDiv, ThM, or MALTS) at Regent College will not require a provincial attestation letter. See below for additional details on the relevant policy exemptions.
Should you have further questions, please connect with your Admissions Counsellor at Regent or email [email protected].
Additional Information on PAL Exemptions
As per the IRCC website, the following groups of students will not require an attestation letter when applying for a study permit.
- Students applying for an initial study permit to study in a Master’s or PhD degree program;
- Students inside Canada applying to extend or change the conditions of their study permit;
- Students whose complete study permit application was received by IRCC before 8:30 a.m. ET on January 22, 2024.
Please review the IRCC website for a full list of student groups that are exempt.