Student Tenants Seek Local Landlords

As new students start planning their move to Vancouver, the Regent community’s need for affordable local housing is stronger than ever. If you live in the Vancouver area and have a space available to rent, please advertise to our students at!
Re-launched earlier this year, Regent’s off-campus housing database allows local landlords to advertise their accommodations exclusively to the Regent community. It’s a great way to attract excellent tenants—and to make a genuine difference in the lives of Regent students.
Associate Dean of Students Claire Perini stressed the importance of high-quality, affordable housing for the Regent community.
“I’ve talked to so many students who experience housing as a huge source of stress. The opportunity to rent from someone in the Regent community can be such a relief and blessing for our students.
“I would also add that increasing housing prices present further challenges for students. So if anyone is able and willing to rent to students at a below-market price, that’s incredible!”
The benefits go both ways, as Regent students have a track record of being excellent tenants. One longtime landlord said, “I have rented a suite in my home to Regent students for 43 years! Without fail they have been courteous, quiet, responsible, and paid the rent on time.”
Dean of Students Diane Stinton emphasized the missional impact that landlords can have.
“Your willingness to share your space with Regent students will not only improve their living situation, it will improve their ability to concentrate on God’s call on their lives. You’ll also be supporting Regent in our mission to serve the church locally and across the world.”
To advertise a rental space through Regent’s housing database, please visit (Note: If you’re new to the site, you’ll need to request a Regent login—just fill out a quick form and you’ll be on your way!)