History of Christian Doctrine
Over against postmodern suspicion of history, it is through the loving connection with the Church of all times and places that God provides us today with a theological identity in Christ through the Holy Spirit. This course critically engages the history of the doctrine of the Church as it has taken shape both in the thoughts of individual theologians and through the Creeds, confessions, and decisions of councils and synods. We will consider both how doctrine was shaped in its historical contexts and how it came to be historically effective in turn. The course not only presents an overview of the history of Christian doctrine but also examines some of the most seminal theological writings that have shaped the Church throughout her history. As a result of taking this course, the student will be better equipped to live out an orthodox, historically grounded faith in creative engagement with both our churches and cultural contexts.
Additional Info
Fall 2024
This course is available onsite and online. Students must register for the online section to gain Zoom access to the course.
Course lectures will be recorded, and students may be captured in course recordings. Access to lecture recordings is normally only given to online students who cannot reasonably be expected to attend the course live due to time zone differences. These students should contact the course instructor for permission to access recordings.
Looking For Textbooks?
Call 604-228-1820 or 1-800-334-3279 to check on textbook availability. You can also email [email protected].