Advanced Greek Readings
The goal of this course is to build on the level of biblical Greek acquired in LANG 650/651 in four significant ways: first, by translating a spectrum of texts not encountered in Intermediate Greek, focused especially on more advanced New Testament passages and the Septuagint; second, by reading and discussing together the passages prepared for each class period, with a special focus on continuing growth in Greek grammar, syntax, and interpretation; third, by continued work on Greek vocabulary; and fourth, by exposure to advanced discussions of Greek grammar and linguistics taking place currently in the academy.
NOTE: This course has a maximum enrollment of 12 students.
To get into a priority enrollment course, you must register by the early registration deadline (see Important Dates) and must submit a Priority Enrollment Course Request (available through the "Additional Registration Requests" section of the Registration menu in REGIS) after completing your registration. Class lists will be determined within a week after the early registration deadline, and you will be notified by email shortly thereafter. First priority will be given to students who need a course for the program to which they have been admitted, and who have registered by the early registration deadline.
Looking For Textbooks?
Call 604-228-1820 or 1-800-334-3279 to check on textbook availability. You can also email [email protected].