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APPL 619

Introduction to Preaching and Worship

The aim of this course is the preparation of expository preachers who by means of careful exegesis of both text and contemporary culture, can, in the power of the Spirit, become agents of Christ’s redemptive address to the church and the world.  They will thus be able to equip the whole people of God for spiritual maturity, effective ministry and missional participation in God’s work in a post-Christian world.  Four primary convictions will shape this course. The first is that the church of Jesus Christ is as alive and transformative as its preaching. The second is that if the words of the preacher are to become the words of Christ to his church in a participatory way, then preaching must be the fruit of careful exegesis of the text of Scripture. The third is that since Christ is the primary subject of Scripture, preaching will therefore always be the proclamation of the Gospel. Preaching will be good news, not just good advice. Preaching will thus not only form the church deeply but empower it for mission, bringing hope to local neighbourhoods and cities. The fourth conviction is that preaching is an act of worship among other acts of worship, and that it is most effective when allied closely to the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The course will therefore explore some of the fundamental dynamics of corporate worship as a whole. There will be an opportunity to deliver a sermon and to receive feedback on it.

Credit Hours:
Audit Hours:
(or co-requisites) BIBL 501, BIBL 502, BIBL 503. It is highly recommended that students have also taken APPL 581: Missional Church prior to taking this course.

Additional Info

Winter 2025: This course is available onsite and online. Students must register for the online section to gain Zoom access to the course.

Course lectures will be recorded, and students may be captured in course recordings. Access to lecture recordings is normally only given to online students who cannot reasonably be expected to attend the course live due to time zone differences. These students should contact the course instructor for permission to access recordings.

Looking For Textbooks?

Call 604-228-1820 or 1-800-334-3279 to check on textbook availability. You can also email [email protected].

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