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Public Lecture

Beyond ‘Design’: Evolutionary Biology and a Theology of Preservation

Wednesday, Nov 28, 2018 at 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM (Pacific Time)

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This evening lecture with David Robinson on November 28 is part of our Fall 2018 Interface Faith and Science Lecture Series.

Watch the live stream on our Youtube channel

"Beyond ‘Design’: Evolutionary Biology and a Theology of Preservation"

During the industrial revolution, it became popular for theologians to draw an analogy between human mechanisms and God’s original “design” of nature. They could not have foreseen the scale on which humans would alter the natural world, such that scientists propose that we now live in a geological epoch named the “Anthropocene.” The cumulative effect of human designs is such that the extinction of species has become a more pressing concern than debates about their origin, leading prominent biologist E.O. Wilson to appeal for a new alliance between science and religion to stem the loss of creation's diversity. It is also time to more thoroughly examine whether human “designs” were the right model for divine action to begin with.

This lecture revisits the nineteenth-century context of William Paley’s famous argument that the precise functionality of nature leads us to infer a divine designer, as well as Charles Darwin’s critical response in On the Origin of Species. Such an exercise allows us to diagnose the theological risks in the movement from human to divine design. It also helps us to see how critics of a “design” argument often end up mirroring it negatively – and so remain in its thrall. 

The criticism of natural theology has to run deeper, however, if we are to meet the ethical challenge of “the Anthropocene.” Our interpretations of nature are conditioned by our own artificial schemes, as Darwin’s were. We therefore turn to an early twentieth-century theological criticism of natural theology, presenting Karl Barth’s and Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s accounts of how God preserves the creature as a continuation of creation “out of nothing.” Their work has significant implications for how we discern the natural, while also providing a basis for new alliances among those who bear the image of a preserving God.

This lecture is free of charge.

David Robinson is the Post-Doctoral Fellow in Theology and Science at Regent College for 2018-19. This role follows the completion of his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology and Ethics at the University of Edinburgh in 2017. David’s research focuses on the intersection of evolutionary biology and theology, particularly the question of how natural causation is described vis-à-vis divine providence. His interests also include the philosophy of science and criticisms of natural theology in the 19th and 20th centuries.

This lecture series is supported by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

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Speaking at this Event


David S. Robinson

R. Paul Stevens Assistant Professor of Marketplace Theology and Leadership (Regent College)

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