The Pursuit of Excellence and the Perils of Perfectionism
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Our culture surrounds us with images of perfect bodies, perfect houses, and perfect cars. While there is nothing wrong with striving for excellence, sometimes the pursuit seduces us into the unhealthy realms of perfectionism. We will explore the assets and liabilities of perfectionism, delving into what produces the perfectionist drive and seeking the understanding and experience of grace that frees us from the chains of unhealthy perfectionism.
Richard Winter is currently Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology and Counseling at Covenant Theological Seminary in St Louis, MO. He is also a Psychotherapist/Counselor who was trained in medicine and psychiatry in England before being on the staff and a director of the English branch of the L’Abri Fellowship for 14 years. He was a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in England. He lectures in Europe and the USA on mental health issues. He is the author of When Life Goes Dark: Finding Hope in the Midst of Depression, IVP 2012; Perfecting Ourselves to Death: The Pursuit of Excellence and the Perils of Perfectionism, IVP, April 2005; Still Bored in a Culture of Entertainment: Rediscovering Passion and Wonder, IVP, 2002 and other books and professional journal articles. He is married with four children and eight grandchildren.
This lecture is part of our 2018 Summer Evening Public Lecture Series.
Dr. Winter will be teaching the class "Mental Health & The Church" from July 2 – 6, 2018 as part of our 2018 Summer Programs. Learn more at
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