Study Skills
Thomas Aquinas once wrote, “Properly speaking, study denotes a keen application of the mind to something” (Summa Theologiæ 166.1). While the conditions and tools for study have changed immeasurably in the eight centuries that separate Aquinas from us, his statement continues to describe what it means to be studious. This course is designed to help students develop effective and efficient study skills and so enable them to keenly apply their minds (and hearts) to their Regent studies. It complements GENR 311: Academic Writing but covers different topics including how to read an academic book or article; how to take good notes on your reading and in your classes; how to improve concentration and time-management skills; how to use and access the many library resources available to you; and how (and why!) to use bibliographic software. Most often taken at the beginning of a student’s Regent education, returning students are also most welcome to take the course.
Important Registration Notes
Deadline for adding this course is Thursday, January 24. Deadline for dropping the course with refund is 4:30 pm on Thursday, January 24 (100% refund). There is no refund of any course fees after this date.
While it is preferable that students take the entire course if you plan to take only the Library Skills session on Friday, please register at the circulation desk in the library; there is no fee for this session. If you would like to take the whole course, please register through REGIS as per the usual process. The fee is $50.
Additional Info
Friday Afternoon (Library skills): Free
Saturday (Study skills): $50
Looking For Textbooks?
Call 604-228-1820 or 1-800-334-3279 to check on textbook availability. You can also email [email protected].