Advanced Old Testament Exegesis
NOTE: This course has a maximum enrollment of 20 students.
To get into a priority enrollment course, you must register by the early registration deadline (see Important Dates ); during the registration process, REGIS will prompt you to fill out a Priority Enrollment Course Request form online. Class lists will be determined within a week after the early registration deadline, and you will be notified by email shortly thereafter. First priority will be given to students who need a course for the program to which they have been admitted, and who have registered by the early registration deadline.
BIBL 501, BIBL 502, BIBL 503, BIBL 600, and LANG 510, LANG 511, LANG 610 (or as corequisite) LANG 611.
Looking For Textbooks?
Call 604-228-1820 or 1-800-334-3279 to check on textbook availability. You can also email [email protected].