"Every Tribe & Tongue & Nation: the Church and Canada's First Nations"
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Canada's Truth & Reconciliation Commission, dealing with the 100+ year legacy of Canada's church-run Residential Schools, concluded its work in 2015. Now our work begins. The Final Report of the TRC contains 94 "calls to action," four of which are directed to churches and seminaries. In this talk, Mark Buchanan will discuss his own journey with First Nations people and suggest steps we can take, individually and corporately, to respond to the TRC's calls.
This lecture is part of our Summer Lecture 2016 series. Note this lecture topic is different than previously advertised.
Mark Buchanan is a pastor, author, and Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Ambrose University. His books include Your Church Is Too Safe: Why Following Christ Turns the World Upside-Down. He regularly contributes to the Leadership Journal and Christianity Today.
Mark Buchanan will be teaching the class "For the Healing of the Nations: The Ministry of Reconciliation" from July 18-22 as part of our 2016 Summer Programs. Learn more at rgnt.net/summer.
Regent College Chapel