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Public Lecture

CANCELLED - The Doctrine of the Trinity: Eliciting Insights for Life and Ministry

Monday, Mar 11, 2024 at 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM (Pacific Time)

This event has now ended. Please view this page to see all our upcoming events.


Update (March 11, 2024): Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances have made it necessary to cancel today's Regent Forum event. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we hope to invite you to hear from Dr. Sung on a similar topic in the future. 

The next Regent Forum event will take place on April 15. We hope to see you then.

Join us in Room 100 for a lecture and Q&A session with Visiting Associate Professor of Theology Lisa Sung. Lisa will discuss "The Doctrine of the Trinity: Eliciting Insights for Life and Ministry."

About the Lecture

The theologically basic affirmation of Genesis 1:26-28, that God created human beings “in our image, according to our likeness” (v. 26) and consequently created “humankind … male and female … in the image of God” (v. 27) has given rise to a host of attempts to derive further clarity about the import of the Triune God as such for humans’ shared nature and lived existence (seen especially in the renascence of Trinitarian theology sparked by Karl Barth’s trenchant observations on these verses). We will engage this question by asking: In what way is the active life of the divine Persons in their indivisible nature and inseparable communion of being—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—the ideal model for human persons and relationships, revealing the way that we ought to engage in interpersonal relationships and pattern our collective arrangements (e.g., our households, congregations, ministry organizations, businesses, and the like)? We will examine two notably disparate theological accounts of how the Persons in the Holy Trinity orient themselves and interact vis-à-vis one another. We will analyze the reasoning that each employs in relating the Trinity ad intra, Christology, and life in human communities, and evaluate them for cogency in the light of Scripture and the Christian tradition. Our conclusion in favor of one proposal will offer additional conceptual clarification.

About the Speaker

Elizabeth (Lisa) Sung, Ph.D., is a systematic theologian and a spiritual director. She is Visiting Associate Professor in Theology at Regent College (Vancouver, Canada); Visiting Professor at Northeastern Seminary (Rochester, NY); Visiting Researcher at The University of Saint Mary of the Lake (Mundelein, IL); and Theologian-in-Residence at The InterVarsity Institute. In both academic and ministry contexts, she teaches theology to foster the lived reality of personal integrity and flourishing in Christ as the catalyst for missional living, in a framework that explicitly reconnects systematic theology to spiritual formation, moral transformation, and world service.

Her specializations include theological anthropology (especially personhood and identity; and race, ethnicity, and culture) and soteriology (sanctification, spiritual formation, and character development). Currently, she is writing two books: Race, Racism, and Christian Moral Identity; and the theological anthropology volume for the “Foundations of Evangelical Theology” series. She also speaks on these topics at churches, conferences, and professional development workshops.

About Regent Forum

Regent Forum offers opportunities to connect with Regent faculty as they share research on theological topics that matter to them. Designed to foster enriching dialogue among faculty, students, and the wider community, each forum features a 40-minute paper presentation followed by a 20-minute Q&A session. Regent Forum is free, open to the public, and available exclusively onsite. Visit to view the Winter 2024 schedule.

Room 100 at Regent College, 5800 University Boulevard, Vancouver, BC V6T 2E4

Paid parking available at Regent College and UBC

Speaking at this Event


Elizabeth Sung

Visiting Associate Professor of Theology (Regent College)

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