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John R.W. Stott (1921–2011)

April 28, 2011

It is overwhelming to see the tributes pouring forth from around the world in response to the passing of Rev. Dr. John Stott, who died peacefully at age 90 in London on July 27, 2011. Regent College was among the many institutions blessed and strengthened by the ministry of "Uncle John," and President Rod Wilson had this to say: 

It is with sadness that we mourn the passing one of the great contemporary statesmen of the evangelical world. Regent College has been privileged to have John Stott as a Summer School lecturer as well as a strong advocate and ambassador for our vision. With grace and conviction he has passed on his passion for the global church to the next generation. As a result his faith will continue to be influential for many years to come.

A forthcoming Regent World will include a full tribute Stott's impact at Regent. In the meantime, Regent Audio has made available, for free, a recording of one of Stott's talks at Regent, "A Call to Christian Leadership," and Prof. John Stackhouse has written a personal tribute on his blog.

Update: Memorial Service Sermon by Rev. Canon Dr. J.I. Packer

At the Memorial Service on August 5, 2011, Rev. Canon Dr. J.I. Packer preached celebrating the life of Rev. Dr. John Stott. The message is available on YouTube.

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