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Christmas 2021

Would you invest in a community of hope?


In a recent letter, President Jeff Greenman reflected on the importance of hope in a world of division and anxiety. You can invest in a community of hope by donating to Regent this year-end. 

Regent has been a community of hope, forming people of hope, for over 50 years, but that work has never been more important than it is today. Regent can't continue its work without donor support. Would you make a gift today?

Hope for a Divided World

Regent cultivates hope for a divided world by insisting that unity and diversity can—and should—coexist. Because we know our unity in Christ is stronger than anything that divides us, we can live, learn, and worship together despite our many different stories and backgrounds. The mindsets and skills developed here have application well beyond the walls of Regent College. Your gift will form people of hope ready to cultivate understanding and shalom in their communities.

Hope for an Anxious World

Regent cultivates hope for an anxious world by highlighting a core truth of the biblical story: God is working to restore his creation, and he invites us to join him in this work. We are called to a hope that is active, not passive. Our shared commitment to this calling makes Regent a community of hope. Your gift will form people of hope who live out their calling in the church, the academy, the marketplace, or wherever God calls them.

Your Gift Forms People of Hope

As we prepare to enter another year full of unpredictable challenges, we remember that God provides for Regent through his people. He provides through the generosity of donors like you. Your participation in God's provision makes all the difference. This year-end, your donation will help sustain Regent in its work of educating and forming people of hope. The world needs such people more than ever. Would you make a gift today?

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Please consider supporting the Regent community with a recurring gift. Just select "monthly donation" when entering your online gift.


Fill out the form below and one of our Admissions Counsellors will be happy to contact you.

If you have any additional questions please ask them here.

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