Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does it Cost to Take a Summer Programs Course?
A complete outline of tuition and fees can be found in the Student Contract.
Can I Take Courses Online This Summer?
Yes! Many of our Summer 2025 courses will be hybrid, which means that they will be taught live onsite and will also be streamed online for those who need it. You will select which section (onsite or online) you want when you register.
There are a few exceptions. A small number of courses will not have online access. These include intensive language courses and En Route courses. If a course is not accessible online, it will be noted as such on the course webpage.
We also have some courses that are only offered online. These will usually have pre-recorded lectures alongside live interactions The course format will be noted in the course description.
What Should I Expect if I Want to Attend a Course Onsite?
If you are interested in attending class onsite, you must select the onsite course when registering. Students wishing to take onsite courses should register early to guarantee their spot in the course, as onsite space is limited by the size of the classroom.
Those planning to travel to Vancouver should carefully monitor local, national, and international travel advisories. It is your responsibility to be up-to-date on all travel requirements when planning to travel to Canada. You can find out more about travelling to Canada and eligibility on the Government of Canada’s website.
How Do I Access Live Online Courses?
Live online classes will be conducted through Zoom. Zoom allows for live, synchronous teaching, which means that you’ll be watching and interacting with your instructor and classmates in real time. Course materials, syllabi, and short readings will be available on Moodle. Please visit our Online Class site for all your technological questions about online courses.
Will I Be Able to Talk to My Instructor and Classmates When Taking Courses Online?
Yes. Zoom allows for two-way interaction, which means that you will be able to interact with your instructor and classmates, ask questions, and participate in class discussion. Our classrooms are set up for hybrid instruction, allowing both online and in-person students to hear and be heard by all participants.
What if I’m in a Different Time Zone?
While we strongly encourage students to participate in the live online class, many of our 2025 summer courses will also be recorded. These recordings will be available on Moodle for 48 hours after each session. If you have questions about the content of the lectures, you may email questions to the course TA within 24 hours of the live lecture.
How Do I Get the Readings for My Courses?
Most books required for summer courses can be purchased from a variety of retailers. You may be able to have textbooks mailed to you from the Regent College Bookstore; call 1-604-228-1820 or email [email protected] to inquire. Some books are also available as e-resources through Regent’s Allison Library. Required readings consisting of articles or excerpts will be available on the Moodle page for each course. We encourage you to register early so you have plenty of time to review course materials and prepare before class begins.
Are Summer Events Offered Online?
Some of our Summer events are offered onsite, some online, and some hybrid (both onsite and online). Most Evening Public Lectures will be held on campus with live online access. For additional details about particular events, please see our events page.
I’m a Newly Admitted Student at Regent. Can I Start My Coursework in Summer Programs?
Absolutely. Newly admitted students can take as many Summer Programs courses as they would like to, and all credits will go towards their degree.
I’m a Current Student at Regent. Do Summer Programs Courses Count Towards My Degree?
Absolutely. Current students can take as many Summer Programs courses as they would like to, and all credits will go towards their degree.
Who Can Study at Regent for Credit? Are There Any Requirements or Prerequisites?
Students studying for credit must fulfill one of the following requirements: have a bachelor’s degree OR be over 28 years old. If you fit either of these descriptions, you can take up to 6 credit hours in Summer Programs and up to 12 credit hours total. After you’ve taken 12 credit hours at Regent, you need to formally apply for a program at Regent to continue taking courses for credit. (Learn all about our programs on Regent’s Graduate Programs page)
So if I'm 28 Years Old (Or Older) and Don't Have Any Post-Secondary Education, I Can Still Register to Study Here?
Yes! See question above.
Who Can Audit Courses at Regent? Are There Any Requirements or Prerequisites?
Almost anyone can audit courses at Regent, provided that you are 23 years old or older. If you are under 23 years old, you can audit most courses at Regent if you have completed at least 50% of the credits required for a four-year undergraduate degree.
Does Accessing Summer Courses Online Count Towards My Online Course Limit and How Might This Impact My Program?
Yes, taking a course through the online section of a course will count towards the limit of courses you can take online in your program. For most programs, this limit is 50% of the total credits in the program. You can see individual program limits in our Academic Catalogue.
I'm a Canadian Student Registering for Summer Programs. How Does It Impact My Student Loan?
If you have received a Canadian student loan for the 2023-2024 school year, Regent's Summer Programs courses are not eligible to be applied to your Canadian student loan.
Is There Parking Available?
Regent College no longer has its own parking lot. Paid parking options are available nearby with metered parking on Western Parkway, among other locations, and covered pay parking at the UBC Thunderbird Parkade. More UBC parking options can be found on the UBC Parking website.
For students enrolled in Regent College Summer Programs only, weekly parking passes will be available at University Chapel for $25 per week. Please email [email protected] with “U Chapel Parking” in the subject line to receive a link to pursue this option. Day parking rates are not available at University Chapel.