Course Description



Course information sheets will be posted here soon.

Additional Info

Winter 2024

Onsite: This course section is available onsite only in Vancouver with Drew Lewis.

Online: This course section is available online-only with Joseph Lee. Class time for the online section will be divided between asynchronous pre-recorded lectures and live classes via Zoom (1 hour each week). Prior to the first live class, students should view both recorded lectures (available on Moodle) and complete the reading for that day. Live classes will take place on Fridays 8:30–9:30 am (Pacific Time). Students who cannot participate due to their time zone will have access to recordings of the live classes for one week. Please notify the instructor if you are unable to participate in live sessions.


LANG 510: Introductory Old Testament Hebrew I

The friendships and relationships I’ve made during my time at Regent have opened my eyes to how immensely rich, diverse, and massive the body of Christ is. When I hear the stories of many of my classmates, I see Jesus’s immense provision and grace for the church.” — Alexander Marees