


Believing in Documentary

Iwan Russell-Jones


Professor Iwan Russell-Jones has over 25 years of experience as a producer and director for the BBC, working in both television and radio. He joined Regent's faculty in 2011 and holds the Eugene and Jan Peterson Chair in Theology and the Arts.

Iwan teaches a wide range of courses on the intersection between faith, culture, and creativity. He oversees Regent's Arts Concentration, including the IPIAT (Integrative Project in Arts and Theology) option, and has guided a number of student film projects.



"5 Traditions and Practices of Prayer"

Bruce Hindmarsh


In this two-minute video, Bruce Hindmarsh emphasizes the importance of prayer in our lives. Vocational discernment cannot happen without the practice of prayer—without sitting before God and his Word and listening to what God has to say to us, right here and right now.

Bruce Hindmarsh is the James M. Houston Professor of Spiritual Theology at Regent College. He publishes and lectures to international audiences on the history of early evangelicalism, and has taught spiritual theology at Regent College since 2001.



"Jesus in Africa"

Diane Stinton


Today, the majority of Christians are in the Southern hemisphere. Diane Stinton examines implications of this geographic shift, specifically in the context of Africa.

Diane Stinton is Associate Professor of Mission Studies at Regent College. Diane specializes in the study of World Christianity, particularly in theological developments in the global South. She has taught theology for many years in Kenya, where she helped launch two new programs: an MTh in African Christianity at Daystar University, and an MTh in World Christianity at the Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (NEGST). She is the author of Jesus of Africa: Voices of Contemporary Christology and the editor of African Theology on the Way: Current Conversations.


"Christian Mission Today"

Ross Hastings


Where is Christian mission thriving today? Is there hope for the church in the West in light of the power of modernity, post-modernity and post-post-modernity?

Ross Hastings teaches at Regent College in the areas of the theology and spirituality of mission, pastoral theology, and ethics. He has earned two PhDs, one in organometallic chemistry, and the other in theology. Before coming to Regent, he served as a pastor in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia.

Hear more of Ross Hastings at



"I want a Jesus that Makes Sense of Every Square Inch of Reality"

Steve Garber


We live in a world that compartmentalizes secular things and sacred things. How do we bring those two realms together?


"Vocational Discernment: Six Questions to Ask Yourself"

Gordon Smith


In this 2-minute video, Gordon Smith lays out six key questions that every person should ask when discerning their vocation. 

Gordon Smith is President of Ambrose University College and Seminary in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and Associate Professor of Spiritual Theology at Regent College.

Stories and Identity



Sarah Williams, Krish Kandiah, Rod Wilson & others


The story of Scripture and the person of Jesus shape the whole of who we are as Christians. Still, we often experience tensions within our culture that provide alternate answers to this question. We are told we must choose who we want to be rather than receive our identity as a gift given by God. This episode of ReFrame, a powerful 10-week film-based exploration of what it means to follow Christ in the modern era, discusses some of the ways our culture shapes us and why this so often leads to a crisis of identity.



Mariam Kamell Kovalishyn


Mariam J. Kamell is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Regent College. She is co-author (with Craig L. Blomberg and Clinton E. Arnold) of Zondervan's exegetical commentary on James, and is currently working on a biblical theology of social justice.

Hear more of Mariam Kamell Kovalishyn at



Eugene Peterson


In a broken world, our thirst for wholeness is deeper than our thirst for knowledge. It is this concern for wholeness that has been the source of the Regent emphasis on spirituality, community, and integration. In light of this, Eugene Peterson presents us with a story framework in which we see that God has chosen to involve us in his story and to communicate to us primarily by means of stories. Peterson shows how this changes the way we think about who God is and about who we are.

Eugene H. Peterson was Professor Emeritus of Spiritual Theology at Regent College. He wrote numerous books, authored a commentary on the books of 1 & 2 Samuel, and translated the Bible (The Message) into contemporary English.

Hear more of Eugene Peterson at

The world of work


The Reframing story

Sally Lloyd-Jones, Steve Garber, Susan Phillips & others


ReFrame aims to help you live out faith in everyday life, encouraging you to encounter Jesus afresh and allowing his story to shape your own. This first session explores how a fragmented and complex world can tempt Christians to either withdraw from or assimilate to the culture around them. However, the true story of Jesus enables Christians to resist these temptations and live integrated and faithful lives.



Paul Stevens


Christians have been struggling with the place of business in the life of faith ever since Paul's days as a tentmaker. How do the spheres of private devotion and public business intersect in a meaningful way? Paul Stevens has been exploring this question since his earliest working days in his father's steel business. His book Doing God's Business considers how to find lasting and satisfying meaning for marketplace involvement in the light of the Christian faith and tradition. Stevens explores the potential of business as a location for practicing everyday spiritual disciplines and as a source of creativity and deeper relationship with God.

R. Paul Stevens is Professor Emeritus of Marketplace Theology at Regent College. He is the author of Liberating the LaityDisciplines of the Hungry Heart,The Other Six Days, and Doing God's Business.

Hear more of Paul Stevens at