Julia Schindeler and Ben Chan

I (Julia) went to Regent for a Diploma in Christian Studies immediately following my undergrad degree. I was, admittedly, too young and too inexperienced to fully appreciate the depth of the experience that Regent afforded me. But I knew I was in a special place that sought to cultivate the best in everyone. To me Regent embodied in real life the appeal in Philippians 4:8: “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.” I was awed by the professors who led exemplary lives and put into practice what they preached and taught. Although they were intellectual giants, they were equally humble, caring, and approachable. And I was struck by the students who came from all over the world with their own vocational insights.

Regent helped me to begin to understand the Bible and how to apply it and how to think critically about my faith. Regent’s foundational verse, Ephesians 4:12, has informed my vocational choices and has framed my understanding of my role in my job, my church, my city and my world. I re-read my notes from Paul Steven’s course in vocation, work, and ministry whenever I’m at a crossroads between full-time parenting, paid employment, and beginning a new career.

We want to use our will to help contribute to the ongoing work of God in the world—it’s all His anyways! Preparing an estate plan forces you to think deeply about your values and to “put your money where your mouth is.” Ben and I have a high regard for higher education, and Regent’s commitment to excellence in education is to be commended. We have a deep respect for the work of Regent in fostering Christian formation so that each student can be salt and light in their own sphere of influence. We are glad to give towards the education of the next generation of believers so that biblical orthodoxy can be upheld.

Knowing we have our wills completed gives us peace of mind. Knowing we can share in Regent’s legacy of witness to the world gives us enormous satisfaction.

I had very limited financial resources when I was a student and I’m now glad to share from God’s blessings to our family in order to assist other struggling students with bursary funds and to support a prize for preaching. It is a privilege for us to partner with Regent as the College pursues God’s plan for its future.

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