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Me, My Stuff & God: Making Space in a Culture of Want

Wednesday, Oct 7, 2015 at 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (Pacific Time)

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On October 7, 2015 at 12 PST, Joshua Becker, Sarah Bessey, and Skye Jethani will discuss with moderator Iwan Russell-Jones how our identities are shaped by the things that we own.

about the topic

Me, My Stuff, and God: Making Space in a Culture of Want

PC or Mac? J.Crew or consignment? Safeway or farmer's market? It's no secret that the consumer society we live in pressures us to continually reinvent ourselves by buying into the latest technology and cultural trends. We are told that our brand allegiances define our individuality, while giving us access to a wider community of like-minded individuals. The consumer mindset can also affect us in more subtle ways, infiltrating our worship practices, our self-confidence, our treatment of others.

So how do we begin to untangle the complex web of relationships between material things and identity? How does the nature and amount of stuff that we own affect our psychological and spiritual wellbeing? What is reasonable and what is excessive when we talk about consumption? And where, in all of this, is God?

Watch the live broadcast

You can watch the live discussion on the Redux website.

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